This page has been dedicated to my animated videos based on the The Looking Glass Wars. a series of novels written by Frank Beddor.

The Looking Glass Wars was inspired by Lewis Carroll's Alice's Adventures in Wonderland and Through the Looking-Glass. The premise is that the two books written by Lewis Carroll were, in the story, a distortion of the 'true events' portrayed in these novels. It features twists on the original story, such as the white rabbit actually being Alyss's (Alice's) tutor, Bibwit Harte, and that the Mad Hatter is actually a very agile, sober bodyguard named Hatter Madigan.

You can find all these video on Youtube but just incase you wanted to watch them all in one place with out changing the page.

Note: I used to be called FdotAMP but now its SusuanaLove Productions and Ive changed the mascot too!


Chapter 1:

Chapter 2:

Chapter 3: